Our Values
Turning Interest into Action
We recognize at the core of justice is relationships, how we live in community together, so all people’s needs are met. With this our work is rooted in the values of Restorative Justice: respect, empowerment, inclusivity, interconnectedness, humility, curiosity, responsibility/accountability, growth, and dialogue. We at Restorative Encounters are committed to living out these values in our external services to all and how we operate internally as a team.
Respect is shown through honoring individual and cultural needs, responding in a timely manner, and speaking directly to individuals when concerns arise.
Empowerment is shown through our efforts to foster an environment of trust, feedback, supporting personal and professional development, and expressions of how we value our team and clients' wisdom they bring to this work.
Inclusivity is achieved by making space for all stakeholders to have a voice in the process and outcomes.
Interconnectedness is the recognition that our actions, or lack thereof, have a ripple effect throughout the organization and our communities.
Humility is the act of recognizing our own limitations, including that we have caused unintended harm.
Curiosity allows us to seek greater understanding of all interpretations and experiences.
Responsibility/Accountability is our obligation to follow through on things we have agreed to and to address harm we have caused even if unintended.
Growth is an opportunity for change personally and organizationally.
Dialogue allows everyone an opportunity to speak and to listen as all mutually share stories, needs, and expectations. Dialogue is a core component to healthy relationships, allowing us to understand one another and grow in community.
We value the opportunity to assist all in growing into their best selves. We also recognize that when disputes occur, they are opportunities for all to grow in understanding of one another.