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Restorative practices can be applied to everyday situations as well as more serious conflict within schools. Through restorative practices within schools students learn more then academics, they learn how to engage in positive relationships with others, take responsibility for their actions, and treat others with respect.

Often in our schools we have a punishment approach to misbehavior. Yet, research shows that suspensions and explosions have not made schools safer.Restorative Encounters assist schools in taking a solution approach encouraging health behavior and teaching students the importance of responsibility and being held accountable for their actions. We are here to assist schools in becoming safe places where students can learn academics and social skills; helping school districts, teachers, and staff interested in implementing restorative practices and restorative justice within their schools.

To aid schools in teaching restorative behavior,

Restorative Encounters offers:

     ◾ Alternative disciplinary programing

     ◾ Circle Processes

     ◾ Conflict Resolution training for faculty, staff, students, and parents

     ◾ Group Decision Making

     ◾ Transition Circles for students returning to school after a long

         absence due to health or discipline reasons. Also, suitable for 

         transitions in teaching staff to put students at ease.

Restorative Encounters

In Schools

We have a responsibility not only to teach math and science and history, but also relationship.

​- Dennis Gingrich, Restorative Encounters Associate and 

Head of the Guidance Program for

Waterloo Catholic School District

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