Restorative Encounters
Reconciling One to Another

About Us
Working for a more just world, Restorative Encounters is a non-profit consultancy firm of restorative and transformative justice practitioners and organizations working for a more just world through innovative, strategic, and collaborative approaches based in the values and principles of restorative justice. Our partners specialize in program development, training/ workshops, organizational consultancy, and crisis intervention/ risk analysis.
We work within the criminal legal system and other governmental organizations, along with educational systems, families, and faith communities. We at Restorative Encounters are here to equip you with the tools you need and walk with you through the process of living justly and planning for how to respond restoratively when injustice occurs. Working with you to restore relationships and communities.
How We Walk With You
Making a Difference

Change for the Better
The Future Looks Bright
Making Change Possible
Contact Us
For more information on any of Restorative Encounters services or resources please use the form below to contact us.